Friday, January 29, 2010


So when we lived in CA, my husband and I eschewed Chipotle for two reasons. 1) There were so many better burrito shops. 2) It was owned by McDonald's.

So, we moved to the East Coast in 2004, and we quickly found that 1) There are very few burrito shops, and 2) Everyone went to Chipotle (see 1). So we got out of the burrito habit. I won't say we never go, but we've tended to avoid it over other options.

About a month ago my SIL suggested we go for lunch when we were at the local mall, and given the other options, I said sure. I was surprised at how good it was, better than I remembered.

Yesterday my mom tells me that Michale Pollan was on Oprah. And so was the guy who owns Chipotle and he was talking about how they use as much local ingredients as they can and all organic meats. And I said, they are owned by McDonald's. And she was like, 'no, I don't think so, the owner was on the show'.

So, I went to Wikipedia, and low and behold, " In 1998, McDonald's made an initial minority investment in the company. By 2001, the company had grown to be Chipotle's largest investor" and in addition "In October 2006, McDonald's fully divested from Chipotle.[16] This was part of a larger initiative for McDonald's to divest all of its non-core business restaurants".

SO. I'm very excited. Happy Eating!

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